At Peak Performance Thinking we take sustainability seriously. People, communities and environments at home and around the world are facing challenges from population growth, migration, climate change, ecosystem decline, and other threats. We recognise that improving sustainability and building a more resilient world is a journey. Any step in the right direction is a positive step. At Peak Performance Thinking we are far from perfect. We are not sustainable – no organisation truly is – but we are taking the steps that we can, and looking for more to take, to become more sustainable. We invite you to join us on this journey: we need all the help we can get.
Electricity and gas at our head office is provided by SO Energy. An award-winning green energy provider, So Energy has renewables at its heart, limiting reliance on fossil fuels and helping reduce our environmental impact.
We try to make greener transport choices when we can, such as cycling or using public transport – this is not always possible. Carbon off-setting our transport emissions is an option that we are exploring.
At Peak Performance Thinking we work hard to reduce our creation of waste. We stay digital where we can, printing only when necessary. We reduce, reuse, repair and recycle, minimising the use of single-use plastic and other consumables. In nature, we aim to leave no trace.
We bank with Triodos, one of the most sustainable banks in the world. At Triodos, their mission is to help create a society that protects and promotes quality of life and human dignity for all. They make money work for positive social, environmental and cultural change.
Web hosting
Our website is hosted by Eco Hosting, the original green U.K. web host. They provide carbon neutral web hosting based entirely in the U.K., powered by renewable energy. We really appreciate every visit to our website and are doing everything we can to reduce our digital carbon footprint.
Independent partners
We believe in the power of community, both in the real world and online. We work hard to forge mutually beneficial relationships with our partners, from climbing walls to cafes, from landowners to shop owners, tapping into local knowledge and expertise to deliver the best possible experience for our clients.
We commit to supporting a wide range of local charity organisations and events. We recognise the tireless work being done in communities to improve people’s lives and protect the environment for future generations. This is a journey that we are all on together, because we care.